24 August 2021

Yeah Man! 8b+ MP by Lukas Sager (16)

Lukas Sager has done Yeah Man! 8b+ in Gastlosen. It is 300 meters long, has four pitches 8a to 8b+, out of which the second last pitch is the hardest. It was bolted in 1999 by François Studemann and Guy Scherrer. The individual pitches were freed in 2004 by Josune Bereziartu und Riker Otegi. The 1st redpoint all lead in a day happened in 2010 by Giovanni Quirici. This spring the 16-year-old spent four months in Margalef out of which half of the period by himself, following his school via the internet. Already then he said that once he was back home, he had some multi-pitch projects in mind. (c) Dor Roda

"Every summer I go to the Gastlosen area. I am a “local”. I know the best places to sleep, to eat and of course to climb over there. In 2019 I met Cedric Lachat in the parking lot. He was on his way to climb some hard multi-pitch routes in Switzerland. Later I saw him on Yeah man. I fell in love with the line immediately. It took us 2 years to organize ourselves and take this project really seriously. Last summer, in this first Covid summer, I went to the Gast just to climb on the usual crags at the bottom of the faces. Thanks to my father and Beal I managed to collect all the gear we need in 2020. My goal was always clear: climb in red point all the lengths in one day. It is really not easy to climb, to eat, to rest and sleep with your father. Ther was a lot of tensions between us. I quit the Gruyère area to catch up with my mother. I came back with her to do a 2 days session in the route. She is quieter. Dor Roda was also a precious help for this adventure. He came 2 times. At the beginning to set up the static ropes and the first days in the route and he came back for the last part as well.

Resting was also a part of the process. I am not used to work a route endlessly, every single day in the route count. I learned a lot how to jumar and belay down on static ropes. The first day I have climbed to 4 pitches, then I work on pitches 5, 6, 7. And so on… After only 5 days in the route and a lot of rest days in between, I decided to make an attempt for my 6th day.

On Saturday 21st of august, I stood at the top after an incredible day in the route. I needed to twice climb the 6th and 8th lengths. The 6th is not hard grading (8a) but it is in your head: sensations, foot work, jump, small crimps… The 8th is the 8b+, I felt right at the top, needed to come back at the belay, recompose myself and send it. I was so engaged that I skipped 2 quick draws. I am so glad to stand at the top with my father and Dor."
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