28 August 2021

Thor's Hammer 9a/+ by Moritz Welt

Moritz Welt, who previously has done 14 9a's, has done his hardest Thor's Hammer 9a/+ in Flatanger. On his Insta he describes the whole process. (c) Franz Kaiser

"My main objective of this trip has finally come down! And it turned out to be one of the biggest fights I've ever had, mentally and physically. For 3 weeks I only struggled with the first 10 meters out of the total 60. But since the rest of the route is still crazy hard, I didn't even know how it'll go as soon as I pass this first crux. Well, 3 days ago, after changing my beta multiple times I somehow managed to do so and surprisingly I made my way even through the second and third crux, and reached the final rail. I was afraid to fall there and that's exactly what happened, 2 meters below the chains, 5 moves of ~7a to go.

▪️ I didn't know if I would be able to pass all the cruxes again in only 2 more climbing days, but the will to send was stronger than the fear. On the next climbing day I came back, fell on the first crux once, and finally, on the second go of the day, I fought up the whole 60 meters to the top. ▪️ This is for sure the most rewarding send I've ever made, and another big step for me to reach a new level. Grade-wise, I will go for the 9a+, although some people considered it to be rather soft. It simply felt one step above any 9a I've done, so for me, at least the consensus of 9a/+ must be fitting."

What is next?
Just enjoying some fun easier routes on my last day here and then heading back home. I have to go for my mathematics study in the university again, so I'll mostly try my Frankenjura projects. But maybe a short trip to Austria soon.
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