28 August 2021

Schwarz Mönch 9a (+) by Marco Müller

Marco Müller, who previously has done all the six 9a's he has tried, has after some 15 sessions, done the second ascent of Sascha Lehmann's Schwarz Mönch in Gimmelwald, suggesting an upgrade to 9a+. On Insta he says, "This route felt significantly harder than any other 9a's I've climbed, which is why I think it might be 9a+."(c) Benjamin Weber

Could you please say something about the process of how you took it down?
I really enjoyed the process of trying this route. The first time I climbed the first part ("Renardo Rules" 8c), I came into the crux of the extension pretty pumped. After that, with each session, I was able to tweak my climbing and find some microbeta. Even though I fell at the same spot on almost every attempt, it felt better and better until it finally worked out.
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