9 August 2021

Media critical to the multiplication format

Sport Climbing did get some coverage also in general media and some were critical towards the multiplication maths. The headline of The Guardian goes, "Climbing is a hit at the Tokyo Olympics – but does it reward the best athletes?" Later on, one paragraph begins with, "Instead, in a method only a maths teacher could love..."

The headline of NY Times goes, "In Climbing, Finding a Way Up Is Just One of the Calculations" In fact, a big portion of the article goes on like this, "None of the climbers liked that three distinct climbing disciplines — speed, bouldering and lead climbing — were mashed together into one medal event. What they may not have anticipated was the chaos it created in the final moments of competition."

As you probably might know, I have also been critical and I do not think there is any other sport with even a similar multiplication format. Luckily, I have not seen any media found or have been talking about that if not Colin Duffy started off his Olympic career by doing a 0.005 seconds false start, and instead had beaten Alberto Ginés López, the 18-year-old Spaniard would have switched his gold for being #7 and being last in the final. Then 17-year-old Duffy would probably have won the gold, instead of being #7!
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